Monday, March 19, 2012

Trail Name

There is a tradition at kickoff & amongst hikers to give each other trail names. It's usually a name that fits your personality or based on something you do.  Being given a trail name is part of the whole experience of hiking the PCT.  So I have a dilemma of sorts.  When I told my hiking partner about trail names, he gave me one.  It fits, it brings back a lot of memories, & since my partner & friend can't go I'm sentimental about it.  On the other hand I want to embrace the whole experience of the PCT, including being given a trail name.  So what to do?  I think I shall introduce myself by the name given me, 'Helicopter'.  If I get to keep it great; if my fellow hikers change it...

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1 comment:

  1. I'd look at it this way: use the name as it means something special to you, and every time you hear that nickname, it'll be like they are with you in spirit sharing your experiences.
