Sunday, April 15, 2012

Packing up

I'm laying out my gear, double checking it, making sure I have everything. I'm simultaneously fighting the urge to take more stuff & wondering if there's anything I can leave behind. 'Do I really need that shirt?' 'What if I don't take this or that & find I need it?' Sigh.  Here's the pile.

I have 23 resupply boxes. Here's a few of them ready to be taped up & shipped out.

Yesterday I hiked Silver Falls with my friend Dave.  It is a park near Silverton OR. A 3 Hr hike on the canyon trail takes you by 10 waterfalls. Beautiful. It made me more anxious to start. Will I ever get tired of the forests, mountains, & streams? I expect to have moments when I want to curse said forests, mountains, & trees. But tired of it? No.

Here's a picture of south waterfall.

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  1. Hi Lisa, Just found your blog. Wow! Way to go! Maybe we'll see you when you go through OR or WA this summer.
