Monday, April 30, 2012

91.2 campsite - 109.6 Warner Springs

Warner Springs at last!  Today was an epic day.  I'm relaxing here at the community center.  It's more trail magic.  The town is closed so the community stepped in with supplies & hot food that we can purchase here & rest from the heat.  So, today was a day of firsts.  I hit 100 miles, I saw the first trail icon Eagle Rock, I put in my first big miles at 18.8, and I completed section A.  I'm tired.

Once again I hiked solo.  Im between a large group of hikers two days ahead & the herd that started at KO.  It's just me and a handful of stragglers.  When I'm alone I think about family, friends, flying, dancing (apparently we have a new west coast swing routine). And sometimes I sing, have conversations with a wandering beetle, or sing silly songs.  I'm continually in awe of the changing landscape.  The desert gradually gave way to shady trees, tall grasses, creeks & open fields.  I saw cows!  Lots of cows.  I will camp near town tonight as I have my first resupply box to pick up from the post office in the morning.  Right now there's a hiker playing a guitar.  It's very relaxing & a great end to the day.

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  1. Hey there Black Hawk Down! I'm enjoying reading your posts and seeing your pictures. So glad you are back on the trail! Joe said he saw you and you were doing great. Best of luck! -Joanna

  2. Yep, somehow "The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down", "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", and an occasional attempt at "HR Puffinstuff" start coming out of my mouth around mile 13. Isn't it great, just walking and being?
