Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 20, 1398 - 1424

The trail was flat, hot, and rather boring for much of the day.  The exceptions were the black lava rocks on the way down off the rim and the first views of Mt Shasta in the distance.  Seeing Shasta really perked me up!  Other than that it was just trees, tall grasses, rocks and only one water source in the middle of my 26 mile day.  I would pick a tree or object in the distance, hike to it, then pick another.  I'm not complaining, it was fast.  I made good time to Burney Falls State Park.  Eight miles from the park someone left a tote bag with ice cold gatorade for hikers.  Mine still had ice in it so it was a gatorade slushee.  I was so grateful.  The water in my platypus bladder was warm.  I was hot.  So this really helped fuel the last few miles to the park.  When I got here, I found other hikers.  I got food at the store, picked up my resupply box, took a shower, & washed my clothes.  They are the usual chores.  I met some people from Bend, OR.  They were very interested in my hike and gave me a cold lemonade and watched my things for me while I ran around.  The biggest thing for me on the trail has been the kindness of strangers.  It's really been profound and has touched my heart.  I'm camping here in the park with Sunset and the Bee Man.  It's nice to share camp with other hikers.

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