Tuesday, July 3, 2012

June 27, 947 - 961

We got off to a late start today.  First it was cold, in the low 30s.  I couldn't stop shivering even after hot tea & breakfast.  So I crawled back into my sleeping bag & waited for it to warm up.  Then there was a leak in That Guys' thermarest that had to be fixed.  Finally we got moving.  We hiked in Yosemite Park boundaries all day.  It was another beautiful day for walking.  We'd only gone 2 miles when I tripped on a root and fell hard.  It only gave me a bloody knee.  Then towards the end of the day while hustling down some steep switchbacks, the quad muscle in my left leg cramped up bad.  So I was done for the day.  We found a good place to camp.  Better to stop & rest rather than risk an injury.  Other than those mishaps, it was a good day and we'd been making good time.  A hot dinner, Ibuprofen, and sleep should have me feeling stronger in the morning.

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