Tuesday, May 15, 2012

285 - 315

I woke up this morning at 5am.  It was cold!  So I got dressed inside my sleeping bag, delaying the inevitable as long as possible.  Finally I got going and packed up my things.  Sleeping bag first then stuff the rest.  Today was going to be a big day.  My plan was to push myself a little and see how far I could go.  I had studied the map and water report the night before so I had a good idea what was ahead.  After eating my power bar I was off.  By ten am I had reached Deep Creek at 13 miles and stpped for lunch.  I soaked my feet in the cold creek, put fresh dry socks on and hiked on.  By 130 I had hiked 20 miles and took a short break at Willow Creek to tape up a hotspot on my foot, refill my water bottle, and soak my hat in the water to cool my head.  The Deep Creek hot springs are at mile 308 and a popular spot.  There were a lot of naked people running around so I kept going, and going, and going.  Where was the water at Deep Creek Ford?  Finally I got to it, but then where was the trail on the otherside?  While searching around, Argentina showed up and informed me there was trail magic ahead.  Suddenly I was transformed, no longer tired I pressed on with him.  Sure enough, hot dogs, potato salad, soda, chips, cookies and more.  I was so hungry.  I ate it all.  I looked at my gps and saw I'd hiked 29.1 so instead of stopping I went .9 more to make it 30.

So that was my big day.  Now after setting up camp and washing off the grime with wet wipes, I'm sitting here on a rock in a canyon watching the sunset while I type this blog.  Goodnight.

Oh I almost forgot - I saw a duck, a pika, and a red fox!

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